USB Audio

USB Audio

Complete USB audio solution

一个完整的音频平台,提供完全集成的音频解决方案,内置MCU,DSP和零延迟硬件采样率 - 转换为高达192 kHz。

Improving the user experience

The addition of USB audio to smartphones and tablets enables headsets with much higher quality levels, but with at a lower cost than current possible with analog headsets. Microphone and speaker equalization and Acoustic Echo Cancelation can be implemented on, and tuned to the headset, highly improving user experience by bringing functions and features to smartphones that were previously only available in professional headsets.

Our platform solutions ranging from low to high-end Lync compliant USB headsets and headphones. By covering a wide range of headset applications, development, software, and hardware resources can be shared throughout the product range. Small form factor and low bill-of-materials make this the optimal solution for integration in the USB connector and/or in the USB cable, for standard USB A, Mini-B and Micro-B plugs.

USB AudioProduct Portfolio


Description 雷竞技安卓下载
DA14195. SmartBeat™ low-power peripheral audio solution 耳机|耳机|位置感知应用程序;雷竞技安卓下载即桌面手机
USB audio processor with 16bit RISC and 16bit DSP
USB audio headsets | Headphones



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