


Dialog Semiconductor is aware of a Bluetooth low energy vulnerability named SweynTooth. This is published as a white paper by the Singapore University of Technology and Design. The white paper and a tool to reproduce this is available at the following link:https://asset-group.github.io/disclosures/sweyntooth/

The tool simulates a malicious attack and categorizes the level of vulnerability in the Bluetooth IC’s. Dialog Semiconductor Bluetooth devices were included in the investigation and found to be vulnerable to attacks that could force products to reset.


The vulnerabilities affecting Dialog devices do not let the attacker inject code into memory to by-pass the available Bluetooth security mechanism.

如有任何疑问,请contact your Dialog sales representative

The table below will be updated as the situation develops.

Device SDK. Vulnerability Resolution 状态/计划
DA14580 / DA14581 / DA14583 sdk3.0.x. CVE-2019-17517 Hotfix release.联系您的对话框销售代表 2020年3月20日
SDK5.0.4 CVE-2019-17517 修补程序释放可在线提供 2020年3月20日
DA14585/DA14586 SDK.6.0.12 CVE-2019-17517 修补程序释放可在线提供 3月6日,2020年3月6日

SDK.6.0.14 CVE-2019-17517 新的SDK发布 4月2020年4月
DA14680 / DA14681 /
DA14682 / DA14683
SDK1.0.14 CVE-2019-17518 修补程序释放可在线提供 2月28日,2020年2月28日
da1469x. SDK.10.0.4 CVE-2019-17518 升级到较新的SDK -
SDK.10.0.6 Not affected - -
SDK.10.0.8 Not affected - -
DA14531. SDK.6.0.12 Not affected - -