Dear Sirs,
I'd like to measure the power consumption with using DSPS reference and DA14580DEVKT.
Relating to this,
Q1: I need to make DA14580DEVKT run by standalone, without debugger. To do this, what I need to change the source code is
(1) change DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG from 1 to 0
(2) define CFG_EXT_SLEEP
Are these modifications enough?
Q2: I would like to check the power consumption by changing adv interval value. Please tell me what portion should I change?
Best Regards,
A1: AN-B-020_v1.3_End product testing and programming guidelines
A2: change cmd->intv_min and cmd->intv_max in void app_adv_func(struct gapm_start_advertise_cmd *cmd)
Hi yterasaki,
Its not necessary to change the DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG to 0 just to run it without the debugger, the define CFG_EXT_SLEEP is enough, also by changing the defines APP_ADV_INT_MIN andAPP_ADV_INT_MAX you can alter the advertising intervals.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks Dialog staff,
I understand that the APP_ADV_INT_MIN and MAX defines the adv interval. For further reference or information
about these registers (or memory map?) of APP_xxxx, what kind of document shoud I refer?
Best Regards,
Hi yterasaki,
对话框的本地团队的成员将会与你联系or further assistance.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks, Dialog staff
I'm waiting for your contact.
Best Regards,
Hi yterasaki,
I ve put on a reminder to our local team they will look after your inquiry locally.
Thanks MT_dialog