Dear Supports,
SDK 5.0.3:
Now my DA14580 project has used Custom1 Server(custs1) and Custom2 Server(custs2). And our iOS software has 2 versions to receive data from DA14580, one only use to connect CUSTS1 service, another to CUSTS2 service.
1. When DA14580 on connection has done, How to get the message which server is active now?
2. When DA14580 runs default_app_on_connection() or default_app_on_db_init_complete(), We can get the message now?
How do you add multiple services in a custom profile? I've gone through the tutorials and documentation, and the docs say the SDK provides 2 custom profiles custs1 and custs2. But, each seems to only add 1 service, and I'm not sure the best way to add multiple services in custs1, for example.
Suppose I have two services (let's say CUSTS1 and CUSTS2), I want to be able to hide one of them (or both) service from a
connected client with a flag. E.g., when this flag is on, only make CUSTS1 available to connected client. Is this possible?
I have tried "disabling" CUSTS1 by not calling prf_enable()->app_custs1_enable() during client connection but it doesn't seem
to work (the client continuously wait for service discovery) -- client is LightBlue app.
Thank you in advance