Dialog Semiconductor customer support - IOT MSK SYSRAM https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/iot-msk-sysram en New Boards with DA14585 not loading SysRAM from Eclipse Debugger https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-hardware-device-reference-designs/new-boards

Hello Dialog, I have a very odd problem. I have had some new boards made and the pin connections for the programming

interface are the same as the IOTMSK kit. Specifically, all of the lines going to the 10 pin connector which connects to the

CIB board are connected to the same processor pins (DA14585) as is shown in the schematic for the IOTMSK kit.

I am able to go into SmartSnippets Toolbox in SmartSnippets Studio using either JTAG or UART ONLY and then

from within the toolbox program and load a compiled hex file using the Booter option into Sysram. This works as noted

using either the JTAG or UART ONLY options. So it looks like the Toolbox can at least load code into sysram of my

new boards using either JTAG or UART. Now the problem is that I have been using the Eclipse compiler to develop

code and when I try to run the Eclipse debugger with my new boards attached I would expect that Eclipse would just

program the sysram as it does for the IOTMSK board when starting the debugger, but it doesnt. The debugger crashes

with this message:

J-Link GDB Server failed: Could not connect to target. Please check if target is powered and if ribbon cable is plugged properly

For more details, see the JLinkGDBServerCL.exe console.

This obviously gives me the impression there is something wrong with my connection but as noted it should be the same

as what is on the IOTMSK. I am out of ideas as to what might be causing this. Any ideas? Is there something I need

to do to prepare these new chips for interfacing with the eclipse debugger? I am stumped. Any help would be

appreciated. Craig

结婚,03年4月2019 22:48:37 + 0000 Craig Flanagan 298824 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-hardware-device-reference-designs/new-boards#comments