
maximum output power and antenna gain of ZOR 1.6mm antenna design from Dialog Semiconductor's application note AN-B-027

Tue, 2019-09-10 05:40--anushiya

Can we please get the maximum output power and antenna gain of ZOR 1.6mm antenna design from Dialog Semiconductor's application note AN-B-027?

we used the ZOR 1.6mm antenna design from Dialog Semiconductor's application note AN-B-027 and included matching of the PCB trace for 50 ohms. During EMI/EMC testing, the test house is asking for a tune-up information which can be checked out maximum output power and antenna gain as in the example below:

Power and tune up information for MPE-calculations

Max output power: 5dBm

How to use the prod_test as DTM (Direct Test Mode)

Fri, 2019-09-06 15:15--anushiya


I need the DTM for DA14586 and the instruction on how to use it. As a first step, before connecting a spectrum analyser, we want to make sure that the setup is correct. When a command is given from "prod_test_cmds" then the DA14586 running with the firmware "prod_test" return a response via UART.

We have compiled the\projects\target_apps\prod_test\prod_test for DA14586 and have downloaded to the internal flash of our custom board using JTAG. Our UART pins are p0_4 and p0_5. Now how can I use this to test on different modes?

Can The DA14586 be woken up in both Synchronously, via the BLE timer AND Asynchronously, via an external interrupt


The DA14586 can be woken up in 2 ways: 1) Synchronously, via the BLE timer which can be programmed to wake up the system, 2) Asynchronously, via an external interrupt (input). Can this be done at the same time.

That is: DA14586 is set as non_connectable device and set to broadcast in regular interval. It schedules the next advertising data update using

app_adv_data_update_timer_used = app_easy_timer(APP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_TO, adv_data_update_timer_cb);

Beacon mode of DA14586

Tue, 2019-08-13 21:51--karanshah28

Dear PM_Dialog,

I am developing one connectable beacon mode based demo using DA14586 micro controller. I have Dialog Pro kit and DA14586 module for development.

我已经下载了6.0.10.511 SDK DA14586德维克e. I am able to compile ble_all_in_one project code and able to flash it as debug mode using Keil and also able to discover DIALOG-ALL-IN device in BLE_SCANNER application.

Facing issue while generating combined binary using secondary bootloader and Firmware for DA14586

Sat, 2019-08-10 14:46--karanshah28

Dear Support Team,

I am using DA14586 EVM board to develop our project and looking for your help for below issue.

I am trying to generate combine image i.e secondary bootloader + Firmware Image using project_multipart_binary_v2 python binary.
I am using DA14585_SDK_6.0.10.511_0 SDK for developemt.

Keil license for DA14586

Thu, 2019-08-08 09:59--karanshah28

Hi Team,

We are starting a project wherein we are going to use DA14586 as a controller. We understand that the development tool recommended from Dialog to build the code is Keil.

Can you please help us in understanding which license of Keil(i.e. essential,plus or proffessional) is required for development with Dialog? FYI, in future we are planning to use new Soc introduced by dialog too. Our primary objective is to debug and overcome 32 byte limitation

Please guide so that we can buy the license accordingly.

Thanks, Karan

Switch to XTAL16M on wakeup

Wed, 2019-07-24 15:29--rajucoolsuraj

Hello Dialog,

I have configured UART2 for serial communication in BLE SleepMode example as per UART2 peripheral sample example.

On observing the communication data, there is erroneous transmission.

类似的讨论forum earlier recommends calling "arch_ble_force_wakeup()" API to make clock switch to XTAL16M and have reliable UART transfers.

The switch is successful but once the transfers are complete, it would be necessary to turn off the BLE radio.

May I know,

1. If there is a way to turn off BLE radio after UART transfers.


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