

结婚,2017 - 06-14 08:16--Bimalsinh

I would like to have below information on DA14586

1. What is the release data of DA14585/6 information?
2. By when would they move to production stage?
3. Will they be drop-in replacement of DA14583?
4. Would you have a well-defined migration plan?

Can you share us the current datasheet of DA14586, so that we can check the modification required to accomodate DA14586 in DA14583 PCB design.


Mon, 2017-06-05 18:35--Craig Flanagan

Hello, I used the Johanson ceramic antenna for my DA14583 design (similar to the IOT design) - it seems to work well.
I now need to move to the DA14585 or DA14586 chip as I have run out of memory. Can I use
the same antenna on the DA14585/6 chips that I used on the DA14583 chip?
Also I cant seem to find the DA14585/6 chips for sale yet - when will I be able to get them as I am
making some new boards. Thank you. Craig


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