

Sun, 2020-09-06 09:44--yekun


如果使用外部flash芯片,比如DA14585开发板上w25x20cl 芯片来实现外部flash启动,启动完毕是不是外部flash将不再使用;



Measuring the Extended sleep mode without OTP copy (DA14585/6)这一部分中;


/// Minimum interval for advertising

.intv_min = MS_TO_BLESLOTS(6000), // 6000ms

/// Maximum interval for advertising

.intv_max = MS_TO_BLESLOTS(6000), // 6000ms

Max Current that can be drawn from GPIO pins of DA14585

Thu, 2020-09-03 17:59--DarshanDodal


I am working on a low power application, where I want my sensor to be turned ON only for a certain period of time, so that it should not consume power when not in use (rather when the ble in in sleep mode). So, I thought if I could provide supply to the sensor through GPIO Pin itself. The sensor would consume around 500uA of current. I thought of using a transistor first, then ended up concluding that it would need more power.

Please let me know, is it possible to draw that much current through the GPIO pins?


Power consumption in extend sleep mode seems bigger than 4uA

Tue, 2020-09-01 08:35--cgha

The extend sleep current now I measured on my custom board is about 10uA, that is bigger than 4uA, my system need i2c and spi, I initialized the i2c and spi at every wakeup in periph_init, does this 6uA(10-4 = 6) caused by the i2c_init or spi_init?

Chip: DA14585, SDK:, no 32.768K used.

DA14585: program flashed into flash, but not working.

Sat, 2020-08-22 07:16--Tamilarasan


I have a DA14585 IoT Multi-Sensor Development Kit, I am able to run example code using Booter of smartsnippets tool and also in debug mode, but when i flash the code (ex: multi_smart_tag_585.bin) in flash memory, it is not working, but the code is flashed successfully. I didn't give any offset.


Tamilarasan C.


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