Hi Support,
after installing SmartSnippets Studio V1.4.3.772 there are appearing two warnings about missing SEGGER tools, Ozone and 'SystemView'.
Where can i get the qualified versions of
SEGGER Ozone 2.16d and SystemView for Windows 2.34?
On the SEGGER website, there are several versions of SEGGER Ozone for download, but not the required ones which are tested with the tool. Are there any comments about the current versions of these SEGGER tools, what if i install just the latest and newest version?
At last my data:
DA14681-01A9DB-P Dev kit pro / AQFN60 Daughterboard.
SmartSnippets Studio v1.4.3.772
SDK root directory in: C:\Users\DST1LR\Documents\DA14681\DA1468x_SDK_BTLE_v_1.0.8.1050.1
Segger Ozone: -
J-Link software package components: 5.12f
GNU tools for ARM Embedded Processors: 4_9-2015q3
SystemView for Windows: -