Hello Dialog team
I am working on DA14680 chip, example code pxp_reporter. My questions, how we can connect device in directed mode?
Do we need bonding process for it? If yes then how we can do bonding process?
I have read UM-B-044 document and also looked into ble_usbhid_device code. but I didn't get much information.
Simply device should be advertising as a directed mode and specific phone can listen advertising packet.
Any help will be appreciated.
Hello, Dialog.
This time, we are developing software based on ble_app_all_in_one.
When pairing, I think that saving the bonding data to FLASH and not sending the advertisement packet.
I'd like to send the advertisement packet again after disconnecting.
Can you teach us an effective method of not saving bonding data or clearing bonding data?
I have read Tutorial 6 on how to implement bonding and have successful implemented bonding.
However, presently, if I bond an Android phone (as Master) and then I try to bond another phone, it still bonds and the old bonding information is lost.
Is it possible to reject bonding if bonding has already been done? I can set and check a flag manually, but I was wondering if there was an API method to check this. Also, which API method must be called in order to cancel the bonding request initiated by a new Master ?
If the 580 device is not paired / bonded with an Android phone, can I still enable AES encryption?