we are using DA14580PRODTLKT for mass program ,
and now need to change our panel to 6 PCB's per panel instead of 12.
It seems that since this device is using RS232 interface to burn the UUT's it has no advantage (time wise) over using J link and burning one unit at a time through the dedicated SW interface
also , If this device is using RS232 interface how will it start burning the SW without a bootloader on the IC prior to burning?
thank you
I managed to implement the SUOTA feature on our product. Everything works fine. I'm able the generate different versions of the software and update the nodes from a smartphone.
What is annoying me is that I need to generate a separate image file for each node I want to update, because they have different addresses (set in the nvds file). This is not really a problem now, but may become one as we begin sending the product out to customers. You see, I would prefer not to send out 100 images to a customer having 100 nodes. The only way I see I can get around that is to write the address in the OTP, so it is not affected by the update.
Can you confirm that this would be the way to proceed?
If so, do you have any documentation on how to put a portion of the program in the OTP (in my case, the address), but still rely on the SPI Flash to hold the rest ?
If not, should I prefer SPOTA to SUOTA ?
Any details would be appreciated.