Hi all !
I've successfully configured the sample128 on my dev kit. I've got two "write" characteristics. But when I run some kind of service discovery app on my phone, the labels are :
"Unknown characteristic" and "Unknown service".
Is it possible to customize it too ?
In reporter fh/spotar.c we can see the next lines :
const char pdm_value_descr[] = "Mem Dev: B3=Mem, B[2:0]=Addr";
const char pdgpio_value_descr[] = "GPIO: b[3:0]= Pin, b[7:4]= Port Number";
But i've not found where these variables are used after in the spotar_create_db_req_handler() ...
Thanks in advance for your response !
Hi valex05,
The UUID for Sample128 is a customized one so system will show unknown. There is no problem to just use it.
In Spotar, the description feature is not used. And this also doesn't matter.
Thanks !