你好我是纽比DA14580 chip. I was looking through the startup code contained in the
BLE_App_Profile project and it looks like the main program loop is in the Arch_Main.c a while(1)
loop exists and the processor waits for an interrupt or from input from an (RTOS?) based on a
call to rwip_schedule(). I am completely lost as to if this is in fact an RTOS and if so how
how I can use it. I would like to implement a state machine but am unclear how to integrate
it into the existing program flow. Can you give me an idea of what RTOS if any exists and where
documents are that describe it, also do you have any examples of a state machine being used
on your chip in one of your examples. Thank you. Craig
Hi Craig,
The 580 doesn't use an RTOS just a small Real Time Kernel from Riviera Waves, for more info on this please check the UM-B-051 in section 5 and also you can have a look at the RW-BT-KERNEL-SW-FS.pdf. Also since you are a begginer check the UM-B-006.pdf that describes the sleeping procedures of the 580 and how the while in the main function works. Regarding the state machine, you can implement one based on events triggered either by timers or profile tasks that exchange messages etc. There are quite a few state machine implementations in the keyboard application but its quite compicated so i dont know if this is a good place to start, but you can have a look in order to get a clue.
Thanks MT_dialog
wow I began to read the keyboard project and my eyes glazed over. Do you have a simple application that demonstrates how to
interface with the kernel with some high level apps to talk to the kernel such as APP_EASY_MSG_UTILS provided and, preferably, with a
simple state machine implementation. I have been reading now for three days and I am gaining insight but a good example
can really help make things gel. Thank you. Craig
Hi Craig,
All the different profiles, kernel timers and the application tasks interacting using the kernel via messages, and every message is matched with a handler. We dont have a simple example that exclusively illustrates the functionallity of the kernel and the handling of the messages.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi Craig
can you sent a email for me about RW-BT-KERNEL-SW-FS., please?
Thank you.
Hi Craig,
Unfortunately RW-BT-KERNEL-SW-FS is not available any more on our support website. Which BLE product are you using and what you are trying to accomplish? Could you share more information? Also, please create a new forum thread as this one is too old.
Thanks, PM_Dialog