Hi Dialog,
I have seen in point 5 from the ROM patches of SDK V3.0.4 that advertising is allowed when a the device is connected to an Bluetooth master. I think this is a really nice feature for all kind of applications, including the one I'm building. I tested the proximity example of the SDK V3.0.4 and when I connect to the device with LightBlue another LightBlue application does not see any advertising packets anymore. So what do I need to do to get this feature working?
"Enable broadcast mode for connected peripheral, Supporrt Multiple “Service Data” structures in AD
BLE 4.0 specification permits a peripheral to be connected to a central and perform non connectable
广告在同一时间(这是需要的CPP tests in PTS). The stack did not allow this.
BLE 4.0 specification permits multiple instances of “Service Data” structures in AD.
The stack allowed only 1 instance of this AD type.
The patched functions is gapm_adv_op_sanity ()"
Thanks in advance!
Hi Wouter, I have raised this into the team and asked someone to take a look. BR JE_Dialog
Hi Wouter,
In order to send advertising event while already connected with a device, the following must be done:
1. Open the fh_proxr_sdk project.
2. In the file: app_proxr_proj.c, in the function: app_connection_func, the following must be done:
==> Uncomment the command: ke_timer_clear(APP_ADV_TIMER, TASK_APP); (line 239)
==> Add the following 2 commands starting from line 240:
gapm_env.connections = 0;
Best regards,
Hi RvA,
It works thank you!