power consumption

Current peaks during advertising and connection event

Fri, 2017-02-10 23:41--sentimental

I'm using PRO board, SDK5.0.4. I'm interested in how power consumption changes during connection event and advertising. The attachment includes power profiles during advertising and connection, from the tutorial and my measurement.
During advertising, there are three adjacent peaks at the end of each advertising period. Since the interval between these peaks is only 1.5ms, it seems that they are not the three advertising channels(the advertising interval is set to be 50ms). So what are these peaks and why there are three?

Switch off peripherals

Fri, 2016-05-20 07:20--ankitdaf


This might be a silly question, but is it possible to save power by switching off peripherals individually when the 580 is _not_ in sleep mode ?

The current consumption is a bit high right now (around 25mA) and I want to bring it down. Is it possible to switch off individual peripheral blocks without putting the device in sleep mode ?
I am using the UART, I2C and app_easy_timers only with data stored in external winbond spi flash.


Advertising without listening for scan-requests and connection-requests.

Sat, 2015-06-27 15:26--oren

Is it possible to advertise without listening for scan-requests and connection-requests?
Obviously, the module will become non-connectable and the scan-response data will not be broadcasted.
Will this mode save some power? Can you estimate how much in mAh?


how to reduce the initialization time of DA14580

Mon, 2015-04-27 07:47--ambient

Hi Dialog,

I am using the DA14580 with the DA14580_DialogBeacon_3.40.6 SDK.
I found that DA14580 chip comsumes about 700μA for about 5 seconds,
when a 3V DC voltage starts to supply to the chip.
So the 5 seconds is the necessary time for initializing the processor, oscillators and ect.
Is that correct? Is there anyway to reduce the initialization time or the current it consumes?

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