Program DA14580 OTP memory issues

Fri, 2016-04-15 06:53--Zhangkui

I want to burn my application into the OTP,but when i open SmartSnippets v3.9 OTP Programmer, and try to import the newly compiled hex file,SmartSnippets don't load the hex file ,and don't have any prompt,in my code i define DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG to 0,
#define DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG 0 //0: code at OTP, 1: code via JTAG
i find if
#define DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG 1 //0: code at OTP, 1: code via JTAG

Development Hardware requirements

Sun, 2016-01-31 09:01--enormous


We are going to developing some applications on DA14581 chip. I've gone through several documents and based on my understanding, the following devices are required in the debugging and programming process:

1.J-Link编程通过SW (JTAG调试器) interface
2. FT2232HL chip for USB to UART conversion
3. 6.8V power supply for programming the OTP after the design is finalized

Could you let us know if these are the minimum requirements? Do we need to have some other devices or can we remove some of the above items?


DA14580 pin toggling after power up

Tue, 2015-12-01 09:37--Laszlo.fabian

Dear Dialog,

We are working on a prototype with DA14850, with connections to i2c slaves and spi flash for the application,
after power up there is a lot of activity on the pins, I expect that some rom code is running.

Once we have a bootloader in the OTP,would this be still running? Toggling in the pins might disturb the other connected
IC's, corrupt flash etc.
After OTP programming would we still be able to connect with the debugger?
Is there a DFU bootloader available in the ROM which can be accessed via the UART lines?

OTP programming with CLI

Mon, 2015-02-09 08:53--wsiaxel

I'm trying to use the CLI to OTP my device by using the Smarsnippets version 3.6 and UART boot connection.
I'm also using the FTDI USB cable TTL-232R-3V3

Looking at the Application note AN-B-020, I should use following command (chapter 9.2.1)
c:\Program Files\SmartSnippets\bin>SmartSnippets.exe -type uartBooter -chip DA14580-01 -com_port 41 -gpio P1_2 -uart P0_4 -file programmer_ES5.bin

I have modify the command to fit my device
SmartSnippets.exe -type uartBooter -chip DA14580-01 -com_port 4 -gpio P0_6 -uart P0_0 -file C:\programmer_ES5.bin


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