需求方Security Pairing

Authentication using challenge-response scheme

Tue, 2017-02-21 15:10--razp


Our device is a source of information that we want to share with the user in our mobile application, however we would like to own the information and not let 3rd party write another mobile app and get the device information. For this purpose Bluetooth define a "Secure" challenge-response authentication: Both sides need to know some secret string and only if both are satisfied that the other side "know" the secret a connection will be permitted.

We use SPS profile to transmit the information to our mobile app.


Tue, 2015-10-06 14:01--马克

Hi there

I am using DSPS 3.150.2 peripheral and would like to extend it with security features like pairing with just works method. Is there a DSPS update comming soon with security implemented? Or how could the current version easily be extended? (I tried enabling CFG_APP_SEC, but the DSPS doesn't respond with a pairing procedure upon a paring request from a central (full_emb.hex)). I see that some sort of security code sceleton is already in version 3.150.2.. The keyboard reference design is not of much help, because this code and documentation is not easily comprehensible..

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