
Simple BLE project: advice needed

Mon, 2019-01-28 22:31--mkkn

Hi there,

I'm an electrical engineering student looking to make a simple home project to get my head around PCB design, Altium, soldering etc. and I'm in need of some advice.

I want to build a system centred on (I think) one of the smart bond chips, a button, a coin battery, and a connection to my phone.


Fri, 2018-12-21 07:03--mytest




Characteristic's read command not working in updated SDK

Wed, 2018-11-14 14:14--rajan22

Hi Dialog,

I am working on software DA14585_SDK and hardware DA14585AC (DA14585 00000).
When I am trying to read ADC_1 characteristic's data, as in original code "ble_app_peripheral" project, data is not coming but through notification data is coming.

Earlier we were using same code but on DA14585_SDK 6.0.2 and DA14585AB then we able to read data through read and notification command both.

How I can read data without notification in DA14585_SDK



Tue, 2018-09-04 09:49--zhouchen

有两个手机,一个标识为左手机,一个标识为右手机,还有一个是蓝牙设备, 左手机在运行lightblue,一直搜索蓝牙设备,且可以搜索到蓝牙设备的蓝牙名字,另一个右手机开启APP,同时可以控制设备的亮灯和灭灯,且没有连接蓝牙设备。一旦左手机连接了此蓝牙设备之后或右手机关闭手机系统蓝牙,右手机就无法控制此蓝牙设备。需要实现:蓝牙设备在广播的状态(手机可以搜索到就行),另一台手机在不连接此蓝牙设备的情况下可以控制此蓝牙设备的LED亮灭等,585做主从模式不断切换是否可以实现此功能,这样实现功耗会比较高。同时需要585做主模式可以获取手机的广播数据, 是否还有别的实现方式.。有测试的方案为nordic的nrf52832可以实现.有产品演示视频,需要的话提供邮箱我发过去.

Power Optimization for BLE

Mon, 2018-06-25 15:04--sr9213

Dear Dialog,

We have a custom board based on DA14585 running on a CR2032 Li-ion battery. We are trying to optimize current consumption for the device. Also, there is an accelerometer (BMA222E) too. Could you please tell us what are the factors that affect the battery consumption. It would be great if there is an application note regarding this. Your help is much appreciated.

Best Regards,

16 MHz crystal characteristics

Sun, 2018-06-10 16:13--sr9213

Dear Dialog,

The 16MHz crystal referenced by Dialog is 7M-16.000MEEQ-T. This seems to be out of stock. So can you please suggest an alternate part number.
In AN-B-054 DA14585_Application Hardware Reference Guidelines, it is only mentioned that the crystal should have max. ESR less than 100 ohms. But what about the other characteristics like load capacitance, tolerance, frequency stability? Will a two-pad crystal will make any difference?

Best Regards,


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