
DA14580 booting though another processor

Mon, 2015-04-13 05:20--sreenathk

H Dialogi,

I am using DA14580 as a secondary processor connected to another processor. I have few questions about it. We have gone through the manual and all the PINs are connected as UART download mode for the dialog chip.

On Power on, Dialog chip will be in UART Download mode. Our main processor should download code into Dialog chip and boot it.

I need help on this.

Q1. Is there any reference SW for this? I am looking into Secondary Bootloader source code, but failed to boot it.

Q2. Is the code size restricted to 42K for UART downloading?


Fri, 2015-01-23 10:56--oscar

Dear Support Team,

We are working on a design with a DA14580, using with the proximity keil project with SDK 3.0.6 in debug mode (not OTP).

It is working fine when we undefine CFG_EXT_SLEEP. We can see advertisement data.
When we want to use extended sleep mode, we define CFG_EXT_SLEEP and we see that the DA14580 stops advertising after 3 advertising packets (measured with an RF analyzer and a BLE sniffer). We have enabled the XTAL_32K low power source clock.


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