Problem with dynamic memory allocation

Sun, 2018-09-02 23:34--uched41

Hello, I am having a little problem allocating relatively large arrays using this chip, I am using SDK 5.0.4, I have a 2 structs,

typedef struct{ uint8_t x, uint8_t y;} s1;
typedef struct{
uint8_t c;
s1* buf; // pointer to array of first struct

Then I am allocating memory for dynamically for the second structure s2,

s2* mys2 = malloc( sizeof(s2) );

then inside an initializer for struct s2, I am allocating memory for struct s1

s2->buf = malloc( sizeof(s1)*length );

Microcontroller operation using Zinc-air battery

Fri, 2018-04-27 00:09--Hassan

Can the DA14580 chip operate using a Zinc-Air battery?
The product catalog ( states "it can run from voltages as low as 0.9 V: ideal for running from single-cell or Zinc-air batteries." But what about the current. Can the Zinc-Air battery provide enough current to supply the microcontroller?


Mon, 2018-03-19 02:02--tanyong1126

根据GP_ADC_CTRL_REG (0x50001500)所说bit10 GP_ADC_SIGN:
0 = Default
1 = Conversion with opposite sign at input and output to cancel out the internal offset of the ADC and low-frequency
可是我实验过,将 GP_ADC_SIGN设置为1后,输入电压0~1.8v,可是A/D输出的10bit仍然为正数,表示的电压为0~1.8v,而不是-1.8~0V,也就是说输入输出符号并没有相反,这是怎么回事?
A / D输入电压范围可以取值多少?一般实验都是取值0~3.6V,那么能否输入-1.8~+1.8V呢?

Read buffer overflow

Thu, 2018-03-15 13:59--RoniKreinin

I'm using DSPS v 5.150.2 to communicate between a sensor and a Windows 10 PC.
The problem I am having is that after a few seconds of transmitting data the DSPS program will call ASSERT_WARNING(0) at user_periph_push. I believe this means that the read buffer is overflowing.

I have the sensor outputting to both UART (BLE) and USB(PC) at the same time to compare the data, and it seems that it is exactly the same. The sensor doesn't have flow control but the data seems to be sent out as soon as it is received, so I don't see why the buffer is being filled up.


Mon, 2018-01-29 02:13--tanyong1126

手册上说DA14580有42K RAM和84K ROM,如果我把程序下载到片外flash中,那么上电后是不是程序被拷贝到42K RAM中运行?考虑到变量也存储在42K RAM中,是不是意味着代码必须小于42K ?
程序能否下载到84K ROM中直接运行?是否也是上电后被拷贝到42K RAM中运行,那代码也被限制在42K以下?84K ROM是否出厂时就已经被蓝牙协议栈占用了一部分,还是说完全是空的,全部留给用户使用?

如附件所示,keil c软件中on-chip IROM1是指84K ROM吗?IRAM1是指42K RAM吗?我对这里的设置没搞清楚,在线调试时这里如果设置不恰当,那么编译的程序就不能正常运行。

DSPS from a sensor to a windows PC

Tue, 2018-01-09 17:43--RoniKreinin

I'm working on a project which requires me to replace a serial cable with a da14580 chip. I am using the basic development kit.

I have successfully connected the basic kit to my android phone and am able to send data back and forth, but I do not know how to do the same with a Windows 10 PC.

Any help would be appreciated.

Additionally, how would I be able to send and receive data with my own Android app, rather than with the DSPS app?


Mon, 2017-12-25 06:43--tanyong1126



Sun, 2017-12-17 17:20--tanyong1126

设置P00_MODE_REG (0x50003006)时,如果bit4:0 PID的值不为0,即没有配置成port function而是配置成其他复用功能,那么在这种情况下bit9:8 PUPD的配置还起作用吗?

da14580的UART_IER_DLH_REG (0x50001004)中bit7和bit1所表示的中断的区别?

Mon, 2017-11-27 01:41--tanyong1126

请问da14580的UART_IER_DLH_REG (0x50001004)中bit7和bit1所表示的中断的区别?我感觉这两个中断都是指transmitter holding register empty interrupt,也就是当transmitter holding register发送空后产生的中断。


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