Hello everyone!
I found that the full size printed IFA antenna suggested by dialog is double, that is the antenna is implemented on top and bottom layers and stitched together using vias.
My question is:
1->why the angenna must be double ? I found many designs is sigle.
2->what parameter about the vias?for examle,hole size?diameter?
3->if my pcb Board thickness is 1.6 mm,how to modify relative paremeters about the full size IFA antenna?
你好Jetliang,antenna design are you referring to ? Our antenna reference design (found under the reference designs) is I believe single sided PCB... as are those on the beacon and proximity tag reference designs.The RF team are back on Monday after new year, I can check with them , but please first take a look at the reference design antenna. BR JE_Dialog
In note "AN-B-027",double sided PCB IFA antenna is mentioned in section "5.1 FULL size printed IFA" .
In ANT ref design document , we use single side PCB to implement IFA antenna. GND routing between ANT and main GND plane is more important so it is relatively easy to construct a good reference GND plane for the IFA antenna. For hole size and diameter, please refer to PCB ANT layout file.
The document seems to imply the antenna is on the top and bottom layers. Can you confirm this?
e. Antenna width
i. The antenna is implemented on top and bottom layers and stitched together using vias
ii. The feeding line (from indicated matching components) is implemented on top layer only
Hi ddustin,
Yes, that is what the document means.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi ddustin,
Please check your other posthttp://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/question-about-full-size-printed....
Thanks MT_dialog