I'm trying to get the proximity application to work by following the user manuals. But so far it is not working for me. The following are the details:
DA14580 Expert Kit
Keil MDK-ARM Version 5.12 and Legacy Support software for CortexM Devices
DA1458x SDK 3.0.6
Manuals Referring:
UM-B-014 (DA14580 Bluetooth Smart Development Kit Expert V1.4)
UM-B-010 (Proximity Example in Integrated Processor)
DA14580 Development board as Proximity Reporter (Projrct: reporter_fh)
dialog USB dongle as Proximity Monitor (Projrct: monitor_fe_usb)
After getting to the stage in UM-B-010, where I run the host application for Proximity Monitor, the program hangs waiting for the device as shown in the following.
Enter COM port number (values: 1-65535, blank to exit): 10
Connecting to COM10
COM10 succesfully opened, baud rate 115200
Waiting for DA1458x Device
The device does not go into the "Scanning Mode".
Can you please give me some hints on how to go about from here in order to solve the issue?
I want to bring to your notice one more important observation of mine which was during the installation of the "Keil MDK-ARM Version 5.12". According to UM-B-014 under section, "ARM Cortex M profile" package is no longer available from the given website. Therefore, we cannot select "Keil::ARMCortex_DFP” package for installation. I had to use "ARM::CMSIS" package which included the "ARMCM0" device. Is this affecting in any way?
I kindly request you to guide me with this one.
PS: I have gone through all the previous topics related to Proximity Example in this forum. And still cannot figure out the problem.
Hi Ananth,
Please be noted on the line"Waiting for DA1458x Device". that means the host can't get responds from the DA14580. You need to check your com port configuration and HW connection.
Hello PY,
I believe the COM port config is alright. Because I was able to run the "DA580_peripheral_setup" project and hello message was being printed.
First of all, if you can compile DA580_peripheral_setup and run it, then there is no problem with compiler. Then if you use our original SDK and did not changed any code, it should work perfectly. So please make sure the code is correct. Finally, if you still can't connect to the dongle and make sure the Com port is correct, you may need to open the case and use Oscilloscope to check on the Uart signal.
Hello PY,
I am using the original SDK (Ver 3.0.6) and have not altered the code in any way. Then I will ask my hardware team to check the UART Signal and get back to you.
Hi Ananth,
你找到你的问题了吗?我遇到了same problem as yours. The use dongle can not find the reporter devices. Do you know what's the reason for that?
Hello Elvis1991,
Sorry to disappoint you. Since our project time was short, we stopped working on the board and moved on to a different one.
Hi Ananth,
So you mean that you do not use DA14580 anymore or just leave the development kit and develop your application?
Many thanks,
Hi Elvis1991,
The project goals were revised and we no longer had to work on BLE. We moved on to a different dev kit which was developed in our university.