I have a proximity tag with blank OTP. Is it possible to connect it to PC from J1(TAG-Connect landing area) and program it with SmartSnippets?
Another question is about the EEPROM at U2. Is it needed if an external SPI flash memory is added to the board? Can we update SW on flash memory with SmartSnippets through J1?
In general, yes, we can program OTP/flash with smartsnippets. When you run Smartsnippets, you choose JTAG as the way connecting target board, then after connected, you can program chip with JTAG.
BTW, I have not ideal what you refer to with J1 U2.
Sorry for not being clear in my original post, I am specifically asking for the capability of program OTP of proximity tag reference design described here://www.wsdof.com/products/bluetooth-smart/reference-d...
And here is the user manual with PCB layout:https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/system/files/UM-B-018_Smart_tag...
I have a proximity tag that is the same as this reference design. J1 is the TAG-Connect landing area and U2 is the place for 2kB EEPROM according to the reference design. So the questions are specific for this proximity tag: Is it possible to connect it to PC from J1(TAG-Connect landing area) and program it with SmartSnippets? Is 2kB EEPROM at U2 still needed if an external SPI flash memory is added to the board? Can we update SW on flash memory with SmartSnippets through J1?
Gently ping.
Yes, you can program otp using JTAG and smart snippet. The procedure is just as I mentioned on the 1st reply. And if you decide to use Spi flash, of course you can remove EEPROM. Smartsnippets can program Flash through JTAG as well. After you connect your target board, There is a line of icons in Smartsnippets on the left, out of which there is one for otp programming and one for flash programming.