my device sometimes cant't work . when I update the firmware ,I found the program will stop to this code "while (!(GetWord16(SYS_STAT_REG) & PER_IS_UP));" which is in the secondbootloader .(see the error.pdf ).
when the device go into this state. even I reset the device ,it always stop to that code if I update the firmware again . Only I make the da14580 POWER DOWN ,can the device work well.
And then I make a test . without updating ,Only when I call the function :platform_reset(PLATFORM_RESET_ARG); the program will stop to that code.
Hi liyang,
Can you share more info about your setup? How you are updating your firmware, are you using SUOTA ? after using SUOTA this incident occurs ? Only when you cut the power and re-plugging the system your device is back to normal ?
Thanks MT_dialog
yes,I use SUOTA (the usb dongle and the smartSnippets to update ), after using SUOTA this incident occurs (smartSnippets say "[INFO @15-12-16 09:34:29] Firmware download completed"). when the mcu go into that state if I reset the MCU (connect the reset pin to VDD3V),it will run the new firmware.
As I know, when the MCU RESET , the GPIO is in the state : input pull-down . then the LED on my device will light. I close the LED after this code "while (!(GetWord16(SYS_STAT_REG) & PER_IS_UP)); So after I SUOTA the device , the LED is light . I guess the program stop to that while(...).
Thanks liyang
Hi liyang,
那似乎有点奇怪t your code stucks at that point, since the previous command in the secondary bootloader is to enable the peripherals. Maybe your code stucks somewhere else? Since you are using SUOTA and i suppose you use spi as well, perhaps you have the spi in power down mode and the da cant boot, perhaps thats why when you power cycle your device boots up properly.
Thansk MT_dialog
Oh,I have forgot the primary boot .Maybe the da cant boot. How can I find the season?
The program is same , but the device sametimes go to that state. Other time it SUOTA will .
Thanks liyang.