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Alex Luo
Last seen:1 year 2 months ago
Joined:2014-02-28 19:16
Power supply and reset

Dear Dialog,

In my applicatipn, I just used your recommendation circuit for DA14580 part. The power supply is about 3.1V at VBAT3, sometimes the power can be raiaed about 4V for long time. Also sometimes the 14580 control a switch which caused the power off and switched the battery power. The system works.

After testing for a few days, the chip crashed when switch the power supply. I measured the current aborbed more than before, but the chip functionally works. When the chip crashed, I measured the voltage is about 1V. The current aborbed by 14580 is much higher than noral working. I can short the Vcc and GND to reset and reworks again.

I think there may be something inside burnt or wrong, and it worked well before, and now when switch the battery power,. the chip crashes and need reset by shorting vcc abd gnd.

is it caused by over voltage at VBAT3? Please explan and how to keep it stable works?


Last seen:6 days 17 hours ago
Joined:2013-12-05 14:02
Hello Alex,

Hello Alex,

4V is above the maximum rating of the device : this is then possibly causing damage to the device. Please ensure the device is always kept below the abs max value specified in the datasheet.

BR JE_Dialog