In doc " AN-B-001 DA1458x Booting from serial interfaces", Table 1: Pin assignment and booting sequence from external devices.
it listed two SPI master pin configuration options(p0: 0/3/5/6 and p0: 0/1/2/3) available for SPI booting.
while in doc " AN-B-023, DA14580 interfacing with external memory ", Section 6.1,
it says " The only booting port for the SPI memory (without the use of the secondary boot loader) is:
P0_0, P0_3, P0_5, P0_6 as SCK, CS, MISO & MOSI ".
it's confusing...
I'd use P0: 0/1/2/3 as SPI Master for booting, should it be working? thank you.
进一步研究医生,我只注意到p0: 0/3/5/6 available for SPI slave config. when booting from SPI flash or flash programming, 14580 is SPI master and flash is slave, so only 0/3/5/6 is available. pls close this ticket...thank you!