Is there any documentation available to use the 580 to initiate connections as central ? Any application notes / sample code ?
I didn't find any documentation about how to do this, maybe I missed it. It is rather difficult to understand the layout and structure of the documentation
Hi ankitdaf,
我们的实现ing the 580 as a central are the DSPS (fully hosted mode in the host side) reference design and the proximity monitor example in the SDK. If you are trying to build a central, the DSPS application is a good reference. You can find all the GAP operation commands in the RW-BLE-GAP-IS.pdf. In order to issue a connection command you should use the GAPM_START_CONNECTION_CMD. In the DSPS host application you can find the app_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set() function which issues the connection command in the user_on_adv_report_ind() (when the central receives an advertising event from the appropriate peripheral it issues a connection command and stops the scanning).
Thanks MT_dialog