How to make connection robust and fast??

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Alex Luo
Last seen:1 year 3 weeks ago
加入:2014-02-28 19:16
How to make connection robust and fast??

Hi Dialog,

For my application, I would like better use experience for fask connecting to DA14580 from iPhone.

For the application, iPhone only scan the device once at the beginning, and got all of the info from 14580. Next, just connect the sevices directly - try to connect other two times if the connection failed. Sometimes, the connection delayed for a long time after 2-3 connections, and sometimes can't be connected.

We tried to use lightblue and DVK Basic, sometimes delay for long time or missing connection too. Keeping the connection, the sevice response very fast, but we need to disconnect each time so as to let other phone can visit the device.

So, do you have any advice how to improve it and what parameter i can tune??


Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
加入:2014-08-25 09:59
Hi Alex,

Hi Alex,

There is too limited information to guess what happened in your side. In general, if you like faster connection, you should reduce advertising interval in peripheral side and also reduce scan interval in central side.
In DA14580, you can change below items to shorten advertising interval.
cmd->intv_min = APP_ADV_INT_MIN; //put your interval here
cmd->intv_max = APP_ADV_INT_MAX;//put your interval here


Alex Luo
Last seen:1 year 3 weeks ago
加入:2014-02-28 19:16
Thanks PY,

Thanks PY,

The DA14580 side, we didn't change the advertising interval, as your example code.
centrial一边是iphone。After first time discovering it, we only use the pheriphal info incloding BD_address to connect DA14580 directly, not rescan again. It looks that we can't connect to DA14580 everytime, and we sometimes try 2-3times to connect. After connection, we will disconnect it. If we don't disconnect it, each connection will run very fast.
So, we can see it takes more time to make the connection from disconnection. So, could you explain why it makes connection very fast if not disconnecting, and it takes more time to make connection from disconnection status. How to improve this case?

Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
加入:2014-08-25 09:59
Hi Alex,

Hi Alex,

There is too little information here just from your description. We did not experience this. Also I feel this is very specific issue and there is no general answer. We need to looking into your code in iphone and DA14580 to find out. Can you please leave your company name and address and we may need to ask local disty to help you.


Last seen:5 years 5 months ago
加入:2015-02-04 07:35
Hi,Alex Luo. I meet the same

Hi,Alex Luo. I meet the same problem as you meet. When I connect the Da14580 with my phone from disconnecting state. My phone shows the connect in connecting---discovering repeatedly . After two times and even more times, the connection establish finally. I wonder what happened and what to do. So I want to know if you have resolve the problem. Do you have some advice to improve or resolve this problem ? Millions Of Thanks!