Hi Dialog Team,
I am in the process of developing my first Android Apps using PAN1740 Beacon Module.
Need you advise in step to step guidance on how to change/configure Major & Minor UUID.
Sorry for newbie question. Really appreciate you input on this.
Hi ngchinping,
Sorry, but i dont get the question, the major and minor are fields in the advertising string, what is that you want to change ?
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks MT dialogs
I am using sample code from DA14580_BEACON_3.40.6.zip
From my understanding the beacon configuration strings are at following location in DA14580_BEACON_3.40.6:
app_dialog_beacon_proj.c as below : line 79- 86
//configuration params maps. It is provided to app_device_config during initialization. Initilizes the API of project space code with app_dialog_beacon code
const struct app_device_config_param beacon_params[6] = {{(uint8_t *) app_beacon_config.uuid, (uint8_t) 16},
{(uint8_t *) &app_beacon_config。major, (uint8_t) 2},
{(uint8_t *) &app_beacon_config。minor, (uint8_t) 2},
{(uint8_t *) &app_beacon_config。company_id, (uint8_t) 2},
{(uint8_t *) &app_beacon_config。adv_int, (uint8_t) 2},
{(uint8_t *) &app_beacon_config。权力,(uint8_t) 1}};
Please confirm are my understanding correct as per above?
Do you reference values * (Hexadecimal) when configure beacon Major/Minor/Company id/adv_int parameter?
Hi ngchinping,
信标取决于您在将使用的参数中使用的配置。默认参数在app\u default\u beacon\u config中。参数是指向值并指示其长度的占位符。实际数据位于app\u beacon\u config结构中,从SPI或默认值加载。
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks MT dialog
In short I have to modify the default value in the app_default_beacon_config :
Change Beacon Major ID >> modify default value 0x0100 to example 0x0200
Change Beacon Minor ID >> modify default value 0x0200 to example 0x0300
Change Advertising Interval >> modify default value 0xA0 to example 500ms (Do you have reference guide on how to convert 500ms to hexdecimal)
Does Dialog have any plan to release GUI tools to change the Beacon Advertising Parameters such as above?
As you are aware Estimote beacons can configure the above using a mobile app & web base tools beside SDK.
Hi ngchinping,
If the configuration of your device reads data from the default configuration, then yes by changing this you will get different values in your advertising string.
关于更改信标参数的GUI工具没有这样的计划,但是您可以从一个通用的ble应用程序更改广告数据,您可以查看beacon Reference application note以获取更多信息。简单地说,您可以在可连接模式下配置设备,在其上连接,并通过使用通用应用程序通过自定义配置文件更改adv字符串。
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks MT-dialog,
Device Name >> Dialog Beacon = 0x00D2 >> How to you convert this?
I try to convert " Dialog Beacon to Hexadecimal Code" using ASC to Hex converter but end up I cannot get 0x00D2.
Do you have reference guide for the above conversion? Or I just input as ASCII the API will help to convert it?
Hi ngchinping,
The number 0x00D2, is dialog's id, it isn't translated to Dialog Beacon. If you want your device to advertise "Dialog Beacon" just place the string in the device name.
Thanks MT_dialog
Base on your advise the code should look like following : << Please help to confirm whether I understand correctly >>
//beacon configuration structure default value.
const struct app_beacon_config_tag app_default_beacon_config = { {0x58, 0x5C, 0xDE, 0x93, 0x1B, 0x01, 0x42, 0xCC, 0x9A, 0x13, 0x25, 0x00, 0x9B, 0xED, 0xC6, 0x5E,}, //Beacon uuid
10, //Beacon Minor
Dialog Beacon, //Beacon company ID
500, //Advertisisng interval
0xC5,}; //Beacon Tx output power at 1 meter
Hi ngchinping,
The Beacon id that is just a code that corresponds to Dialog. The beacon advertising string advertises in a specific format please check the beacon reference design app note. But if you want your device (not the beacon reference design but a generic application) to advertise the string "Dialog Beacon" you can place the string in the DEVICE NAME. If you want to place this string in the dialog beacon you can place it in the uuid area. Usually names and strings in general are being attached to the advertising string after the 0x09 tag that indicates the complete local name of the device. You can find the code that attaches the name in the string at the end of the app_adv_func() function.
Thanks MT_dialog