I would like to test power consumption in Deep Sleep/Extended Sleep Mode of my system and to do that I want to be able to activate this modes using a simple peripheral like example.
Therefore without loading the entire SDK needed for BLE application.
Is it possible?
Additionally, do the TIMER0/2 work in Deep Sleep and extended Deep Sleep mode?
Thanks for your help,
Hi Andrea,
The power management of the 580 is part of the SDK, there is no simple project just to put the 580 into permanent sleep, you can use the template and implement the test conditions you want. When going into sleep modes all the peripherals are shut down including the hardware Timers.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks for your reply.
So when I use the function app_easy_timer, which timer is used?
Because it seems that the device can go in Sleep modes when this timer is used. Is it the sysTick timer?
Hi Andrea,
The app_easy_timer doen't use hardware timers or the systick timer, it uses timers that are provided by the RW kernel that the 580 uses to schedule the BLE messages. Please check the RW_BT_KERNEL_SW_FS.pdf for more information.
Thanks MT_dialog