Hi There, generally speaking, you'll need to use a driver on the nrf52840 to interface to set-up the DA7212 via the i2c (for configuraiton) and for data, you'll need a i2s driver to interface and send the audio data to the DA7212 from the nrf52840 (assuming you're streaming audio data from nrf device to the DA7212).
Hi There, generally speaking, you'll need to use a driver on the nrf52840 to interface to set-up the DA7212 via the i2c (for configuraiton) and for data, you'll need a i2s driver to interface and send the audio data to the DA7212 from the nrf52840 (assuming you're streaming audio data from nrf device to the DA7212).
nrf52840支持i2according to the web site.
BR JE_Dialog
can you tell me which one of these configurations i should select, please see the attachement
Hi There, it looks like the pdf is corrupted "Failed to load PDF document." - can you hceck and update it again ? Thanks JE_DIalog
please see this
You want to use J2, which is I2S into the device, so you need to supply WLCK, BCLK, DIN, MCLK
how can i configure it to slave mode , the data sheet says its in master mode by defaukt
could you sheare any kindof library or driver file with me