I'm planning design a custom board with zynq xc7z010.
I found DA9062-10AM used in Avnet MiniZed.
I want to know detailed parameter changes between DA9062-10AM and DA9062 Datasheet(https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/system/files/pmic_resources/DA9...).
or could I get ini file of DA9062-10AM somewhere?
Best regards
The datasheet simply states and shows a detailed specification of the part. To get optimized performance from the part, we have detailed the best set-up and solution for using the DA9062 PMIC. The -10 variant is an OTP that is programmed into the part that will operate within the specification providing the hardware of solution meets the specification. I have attached the -10 OTP, you can download the DA9062 GUI for free on this site, once you load the .ini file into the GUI, you will be able to see a full list of register values.
Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter
你好,我有found buck4 was set to 0.675V in MiniZed by Avent,but when I load theDA9062-10_Avnet_Xilinx_1_v06-03F2.ini downloaded from your Attachment into theDA9062 GUI,the GUI show buck4 was set to 1V,the 0xA5 register values is 0x2F。
please let me know why,thanks
Buck4 is in VTT mode. GPIO0 is used for VDDQ and GPIO1 is used for VTTR.
Buck4's output voltage is directly related to VDDQ, Vbuck = VDDQ/2.
Kind regards,