I found a wird situation (maybe using OSC0 wrongly). After some amount of time (~1h) the WDT driven by OSC0 stops working - as there is some timeout.
- WD_IN input signal is externally dissabled [pin13]
- 12V_MONITOR_IN signal is always presented [pin18]
Thanks for your help.
Device Number:
嗨Barbish,请你分享design file to my emailPavlo.Zakalyk@diasemi.com? This will help much to debug.
Thanks and Regards,
There is a mistake in the design.
POR is connected to PWR Down of the OSC0 while “Power down” control pin option is chosen.
There are two solutions:
-remove POR from PWR Down pin;
-change control pin option from “Power down” to “Force ON”
It depends on your own but I’ll recommend first to keep auto power on mode of the OSC0.
Thanks PavloZ