Hi, Dialog
In project peripherals_demo, there are two platform_devices.h , one is at \config, and one is at \sdk\adapters\include
Which one has higher priority?
I think this file should be defined by custom for their specific board, not the common file, so it's better to comment out this line
# include”平台form_devices.h"
in main.c (for example, in project hrp_sensor)
and then define the action of adapters (like the platform_devices.h has done) in your custom_config_xxx.h file.
Is it OK?
Hi jamesleo-konka,
If you have included a custom platform_devices.h file (which is allready included in the peripherals_demo) this file is going to be included in your project, so the custom platform_devices.h is used and not the default one. In case that you dont have created a custom file, the file from the adapters directory is going to be used. This is also documented in UM-B-044-DA1468x Software Platform Reference.pdf on page 87 in the paragraph 11.3.1 The UART adapter example.
Thanks MT_dialog