Hello Dialog,
I am working on the Dialog 14580 Expert kit and have to design a test code to pass a certification test for our product.
The task at hand is to
1: Use BLE chip in maximum transmit power mode.
I have looked into this and have come to know that there are only two tx power levels(i.e near field mode(which runs at -20 dBm), and normal mode(which runs at 0 dBm)). I am running the device in normal mode. Question: is there any other way to put the BLE chip in max tx power? am i right about the power levels, or is there any other power level too?
2: Select Advertising Channel at runtime.
I am currently doing this by using UART as the input for selecting the channel. At receiving the UART command, i stop the device from advertising, change the "user_adv_conf.channel_map" variable to either ADV_CHNL_37_EN, ADV_CHNL_38_EN or ADV_CHNL_39_EN and then start advertising again. Question: Am i doing this correctly? How can I check which channel the device is using currently?
3: Achieve maximum data transmission
I have seen UM-B-30 and know how the maximum data rate can be achieved between 2 devices. But is there any way, by which I can maximize the data flow rate of a single(non connected) device only(maybe in broadcasting mode by minimizing the advertising interval?) and then measure/display that data rate?
Waiting for your reply.
Hi huzaifa sajid,
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
As for the third point, our focus is not on transmitting actual data through this method. As I have mentioned above, this is only to pass a certain certification; and their only demand is that I transmit at maximum speed and at maximum tx power (the data can be redundant). So, what is the minimum adv interval that can be set in this situation? Also, where can I get the actual code for the data rate monitor application?
Thanks Huzaifa
Hi huzaifa sajid,
我明白了,如果我理解正确你走al is i suppose that what you need is not to create custom fw in order to pass the certification, there are tools developed for these kind of operations, have you checked the UM-B-008:User Manual - Production Test Tool, please check that, i suppose that this is what you are looking for. Regarding your questions, the minimum and maximum advertising intervals are defined by the BLE specification and the allowable values are defined by the type of the advertising packet, so please check the specification 4.0 [Vol 2] on paragraph 7.8.5 LE Set Advertising Parameters Command. Regarding the data rate monitor application, this is an obsolete application and is not included in the new versions of the SDK5 only on SDK3. In that SDK you will be able to find both fw for central and peripheral, if you mean the code that is implemented for Smart Snippets, this source code is not available.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks, Huzaifa.
Hi huzaifa sajid,
如第3段所述的文档所示,通过BLE规范定义的HCI格式发送的命令,一些命令是由规范定义的默认命令(每个命令Description行表示命令是否是定义命令或其自定义HCI命令)。我没有得到问题“因为我们必须在我们的乐器上运行此测试而不是对话套件”,实现这些命令的UART的接收的代码是prod_test_xxx工具代码的一部分,因此您的设备应该闪烁这种FW为了能够与测试仪通信(请检查AN-B-007蓝牙直接测试模式)。关于传输时的Datarate,LE发送器测试命令是关于执行您的BLE RF的测试,我没有看到某人知道TX过程的Datarate的任何原因(没有在这些测试用例中传输的定义数据)的长度有效载荷是可配置的,我不知道如果我们有这种信息,因为我不相信它会有任何用处。有没有理由想知道这个?
Thanks MT_dialog
知道数据传输速率的唯一原因是我们可以知道对话框14580的最大传输速度。对于UART命令,我通过使用RS232 COM端口嗅探通信来通过嗅探通信来发送和接收的命令。似乎每次从外部控制器发送消息到对话框时发送“0x01”的标题,并从对话框向外部控制器发送“0x04”的标题。命令的其余命令与Connection Manager窗口中所示相同。
I saw the AN-B-007 Bluetooth Direct Test Mode v1.1.pdf and it tells about the methods by which we can measure the actual channel at which the BLE is transmitting (using different tools eg R&S CBT, Anritsu MT8852B etc). Is there any other way of doing this task? (Perhaps by using another dialog 14580 in receiving mode?)
Using Connection Manager to send commands to the dialog kit, I have noticed that after using any of the Unmodulated Rx/Tx commands or the Tx Continuous Test commands, the kit responds to those commands only and does not reply to the LE transmitter test command/Test End command/Reset Command. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong here? I have tried using the Boot Test Mode button but it doesnt get any response either. In this state, only downloading the .hex file again fixes the problem; but problem occurs again if any of those commands(unmodulated/continuous tx commands) are sent.
EDIT: I debugged the problem and it seems like that a hard fault occurs when the commands are given in the above mentioned order.
Hi huzaifa sajid,
The data trasmition that you are going to achieve during the direct test mode doesn't represent the throughput of an actual 580 BLE device, the transmition during that time uses only the physical layer of the device to transmit or receive a sequence of test packets without any upper layer protocols. In order to perform RF PHY measurements and testing the mentioned equipment is required to act as a Bluetooth tester over a 2-wire HCI UART, this is a standard method and you need those testers in order to verify the RF performance of the BLE system.
关于你不该得到回应时的事实n you use the LE_Transmitter test command, in order for the direct test to work in the Connection Manager you will have to download the prod_test fw and hit the Boot Test mode so that the proper interface to appear on the connection manager, also make sure that the proper COM port is selected, other than that the connection manager interface should work for all the test commands (make sure that your device isn't in sleep mode in case you were experimenting with the other tab Sleep - XTAL trim). Also there were some issues reported when using the SDK5 prod_test (most of them were related to the BLE testers), so you should check using the prod_test from the SDK3 as well, other than that i am not aware of any other issues and i could properly send the commands over UART to the dev kit from the Connection Manager. You can also try to send the commands over the command line tool as well located in the utilities folder.
Thanks MT_dialog