I have designed an application using the DA14680 and a custom battery (rechargeable).
软件我已经改变了charging parameters according the pxp_reporter demo application and the UM-B-044-DA1468x document (paragraph 9.5) to accommodate my battery.
Now I have two topics with questions:
- dg_configUSE_SOC is set to 0 (zero). The battery charges. However at a certain point the charging stops briefly and then continues. This cycle of stopping and continuing occurs more frequently after some period of charging. Is this normal behaviour? Is this part of the charging functionality? Are there parameters that regulate this behaviour, like e.g. dg_configUSB_CHARGER_POLLING_INTERVAL ? Is there a document that describes this behaviour?
- If dg_configUSE_SOC is set to 1 (one) then I like to fully understand the "State of Charge Functionality" and therefore the parameters that go into the custum_socf_battery_profile.h. And especially thevol_dis_low_0附近地区,vol_dis_high_0LUT and thevol_chg_0_0variable. I don't run Windows and I don't have the necessary measuring hardware available to use theBattery Profiler Tool(paragraph 6 of the UM-B-075 document). Therefore my question is, how can I get the required values for my custom battery? Is there a way to measure the LUT values by hand, so I don't have to buy a € 8K source meter?
Hi Myken,
There was an email communication regarding your issue, just pasting the recommendations in order to be in sync.
Regarding your first point, It looks like the die temperature becomes high which cause the charger to stop and then continue when the temp drops a bit and then stop again when it reached the defined threshold. May I ask what CC current are you using? Also please monitor the field CHARGER_TMODE_PROT in the register CHARGER_STATUS_REG when the charging stops and starts again. If this is not the case, We will need to check what other parameter can cause this.
Regarding your second point, we are working on a tool that will not use that expensive equipement, meanwhile you can ship some batteries to Dialog in order to get them characterized.
Thanks MT_dialog