Beacon - modify beacon data

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Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2016-10-06 16:29
Beacon - modify beacon data

Hello MT_Dialog,
我们正在调查信标技术in order to invest in it.
I have downloaded the project fh_project_dialog_beacon (DA14580_DialogBeacon_3.40.6_0) and I use for the tests the DA14580 Development kit (Basic version).
I would be grateful if you answer the following:

1. Dialog Semi(DS) has also licensed the DA14583 chip, which is similar to DA14580 plus an 1Mbit SPI Flash. Can also the project fh_project_dialog_beacon support the DA14583 chip?
2. The project fh_project_dialog_beacon can also be configured (CFG_HW_CONFIG) in order to support the DA14580 SmartTag proximity rev2 reference design. DS has also licensed a new project for smart tags the DA1458x_SMARTTAG_5.20.2. What's the main differences between the 2 projects?
3. Your site refers to Beacon programmable UUID, Major, Minor values and advertising frequency. How is this accomplished? Could you point out the source code lines in the above mentioned project where this task is implemented? Does DS provide an application which supports this capability?
4. I made some tests (in HW_CONFIG_BEACON_REF mode) by defining or not the CFG_CONNECTABLE_ADV_MODE. I confirmed that in the non-connectable mode I only could see the Beacon data and in the connectable mode I additionally could connect and reading the characteristics. But I didn't see any difference in the power consumption for these 2 modes. How is this explained?
5. In the same mode I defined the CFG_PRF_SPOTAR, but when I tried to run SUOTA application on my mobile, the app could not see the Beacon. Please notice that I made the same test with prox_reporter application and followed the steps in AN-B-10 and the FW update was successful.

Thank you in advance,

Last seen:1 month 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi lemco,

Hi lemco,

1) The fw for the 580 requires modifications in order to properly run on a 583 (probably some of the features wont operate as they should due to different configurations), but you should be able to download the fw on a 583 pro dev kit and see it advertising.

2) The beacon is based on an quite old SDK (SDK 3) the new release of Smart Tag is based on the SDK5 which is the latest SDK for the 580. Also the projects are quite different, the Smart Tag is a proximity tag with quite a few supported profile while the beacon, it just advertises a specific advertising string and when connectable it supports a custom service.

3) Regarding the configurable values of the beacon, the user can either set the desired values through the SPI or via a custom service (if the device is set to connectable), so the user can connect to the device and alter the advertising data (please check the 9.4 Device Configuration service in the UM-B-019 da14580 Beacon Reference Application for more info on this). For related code you can check the device_config.c and the device_config_task.c file which implement the custom service profile. For the SPI load file you can check the app_load_beacon_config() function or the app_beacon_config_init(). Regarding the application, a generic android or iOS BLE application would do.

4) The power measurements in different advertising modes is also documented in the document i ve attached.

5) Regarding the SUOTA and the beacon, you will have to make some modifications in order to be able to operate SUOTA (as i ve mentioned the code is quite old), so you will have to change a small bug, in the APP_ADV_DATA change the value to "\x03\x03\xF5\xFE" in order for your project to advertise as a SUOTA enabled device. Also the device will have to be advertising in connectable mode as well.

Thanks MT_dialog