I want to develop Production tools . Which like SmartSnippets. I want burn the OTP image and Header to my production. I know in the SmartSnippets when I click the "connect" the software has send commands to the da14580 by uart. Can you open the command to us ?
Thanks ,liyang
Hi liyang,
The protocol that 58x family uses in order to interact with the fw that downloads when you hit the connect button in Smart Snippets is not available and there is no documentation regarding the protocol. The only way to do this, is to reverse engineer by tracking the sequence bytes over a logic analyzer along with the flash_programmer source code.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi liyang,
Also, you take a look at this post for some additional information regarding the protocol, but there is no formal document about thishttps://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bl...
Thanks MT_dialog