Actual SDK 1.0.14
I want to use SmartSnippets and you SDK with a C++ project.
I have seen in your SDK header files, that there is no C++ Support (could be added by some simple preprocessor defines)
Do you plan to support C++ in your SDK or do you already have a solution for this?
Best regards
Hi Dieter Falk,
Thanks for your question. Can you please indicate what you would like to accomplish in your projects? Write your application in C++? In the meanwhile, I will ask internally for the C++ support.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
I have already started an application for a BLE logger device and wrote this code in C++. The actual target controller is a nRF52 (Nordic).
Now after having discoverd Dialog as a company with great devices on BLE (DA1468x) that perfectly would fit to our system and the SDK is really good to understand (and hopefully to use) we are thinking on the option to switch to the Dialog device.
It would be perfect if I can continue with my C++ project, which in principle should work with the Eclipse and GCC environment. Actually the only hurdle seems to be the fact, that your SDK header files are not C++ compatibel. The main interfaces to your SDK might be the Adapters and BLE of cause together with SUOTA.
我实际的应用程序代码,在哈尔访问的旁边ss, processor independent. All access to hardware are implemented as C++ interfaces, so switching to another controller shall be quite easy using this C++ concept. Re-writing my existing C++ code back to C could be an option, but it will for sure create additional effort, which I am not sure if we want to take that.
I hope this helps you for better understanding on my C++ question.
Best regards
Hi Dieter Falk,
Unfortunately, C++ is not supported on our SDK. Can you please give us some inputs regarding your project in order to find how we can help you with our SDK?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
in general I would really recommend to make your SDK C++ compatible, as it is state of the art to provide C libraries in such a way. This will for sure open new markets for your products, where C++ is a given standard in firmware development.
In our project we evaluated some scenarios how to make it possible to switch to your devices with our current C ++ code base. In the actual status we have build up the basic software functionality using some peripherals like UART, SPI, I2C and GPIO. Our,application is already based on FreeRTOS, which is fine.
The first scenario is to transform the existing C++ code into a pure C project. As the current Code base already has more than 50 classes, this would take us quite a long time, which is in our cas not acceptable, also because of the development risks.
The 2nd scenario we thought about was, to build a C++ compatible C wrapper around those modules that we will use in our application, which could be your SDK adapters (the Level HAL drivers) for the peripherals mentioned above plus the BLE interface. This effort to implement this, seems to be clearly less compared to scenario 1.
So your question on how you could help might be to either deliver your next SDK Version in a C++ compatible form,
or to provide some C++ compatible C Moduls as wrapper for your actual SDK.
Or may be, if you already have had some similar request, provide some more ideas how to integrate your SDK into a C++ project.
Regarding FreeRTOS, I saw that your SDK still use an old Version 8.x. The actual version is 10.x. Do you plan to update to an actual version?
Thanks and best regards
Hi Dieter Falk,
Thanks for your effort describing your project requirement, but the SDK is based on C. Regarding the FreeRTOS version 10 support, I will ask internally, and I will let you know.
Thanks, PM_Dialog