Here's what I've done so far:
1. Powered PLT with 5V (VDD 5V) and 3.3V (VBAT & VDDIO).
3. Updated firmware on the GU using SmartSnippets
4. Set configuration settings according to UM-B-041
5. Attempted to run tests
当我试图运行测试(或任何公司mmunication with the DUT) the output indicates "COMMS ERROR OR DUT NOT PRESENT". I probed the DUT interface and noticed that the UART baud is around 97000bps which is odd because it's not a standard speed. I tried changing the UART settings in the configuration but it doesn't appear to have any effect. Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?
一世've attached some captures of the PLT output and the traffic on the DUT interface.
Hi fitz,
我需要一些关于你的问题的澄清。如果您使用定制董事会或我们的任何开发委员会,您能告诉我吗?如果您使用DA14580 / 5 Pro主板DK,则接线根据UM-B-041用户手册的图175?您是否遵循7.2.5 DUT硬件设置(DA1458X)段中描述的配置?您正在进行哪个版本的PLT软件?此外,您是否可以上传您的配置屏幕截图?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
感谢您的快速答复!Here are the answers to your questions:
1. This is on a custom board based on the DA14580-01
2.我没有看到图175. UM-B-041中的最高数字数字,即我看到的附录P中的146(V4.2https://support.dialog-seminile.com/system/files/resources/um-b-041 ...)
3. I did follow section 7.2.5 (see attached) We use P_04 & P_05 for UART, and I have set the baud to 57600. However, I think this setting is only used after the PLT binary has been uploaded which is not happening.
4. PLT V4.2.0.160
一世should point out that the process seems to fail at the "FW Download" stage so it seems to me like the PLT tool can't communicate with the bootloader via UART. Do I need to program the bootloader? I'm not sure if these devices have any firmware flashed to them.
Hi fitz,
Could you please make sure that your custom board is full functional without using the PLT? Please, try to reset the COM ports in the PLT configuration tool and enumerate again. You can also try to put 0 into the “DUT COM ports” into the params.xml. For example,0 . After that, the PLT will try to find the ports again.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
一世have checked the enumeration, made sure the DUT is on the correct header and checked all connections. In fact I can see the UART lines toggling as shown on the logic analyzer capture attached earlier. It seems like the path to the device is okay.
一世have also connected a J-Link over SWD to the DUT and I can detect the DA14580 with it while the PLT is powering that DUT.
So in summary:
2. UART lines are connected to the correct DUT ( I can see them toggling using a logic analyzer )
3. I see UART data on RX and TX but it's always the same- this doesn't seem correct to me.
PLT UART检查的固件下载阶段的预期波特率是多少?
一世did some more digging and tried to boot the DUT without the PLT to see if I can enter the boot loader manually according tohttps://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/system/files/resources/AN-B-001...。我附上了一个结果的PDF。
根据链接文件,看起来OTP LDO是电压不正常。这是检查内部产生的电压是否正确?这可能是什么问题?
Hi fitz,
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Sorry I think I forgot to click upload earlier. The pdf is now attached above.
Yes, the device works fine on the custom board. In fact it is working with the PLT as well at the production facility however I am trying to add some features to the production test and so need to reproduce the PLT->DUT setup.
请您确认PLT引脚7(TX)应连接到DUT P0_4(TX)或DUT P0_5(RX)?
一世have some more update. I connected to the device to Smart Snippet Studio manually using an FTDI cable and I am able to see it detect the device and read the OTP out. So the device is definitely alive, but the PLT is still unable to read it.
在交换TX和RX线路后,我看到了不同的行为。它看起来像OTP LDO现在也可以,并在停止前循环5次。仍然没有意义的是,PLT没有响应来自DUT的0x02消息。
See attached
Hi fitz,
The connection between PLT and your custom board should be like this:
UART Tx:DUT Tx (pin7) <-> DA1580 custom board Rx
UART RX:DUT Rx (pin9) <-> DA1580 custom board Tx
您还应连接VBAT和GND。您可以按照逐步按照UM-B-041用户手册的8示例使用段落吗?启动DA14580的启动过程,我非常建议您查看第6.2 Da1458x段连接到UART的段落AN-B-001 : DA14580/581/583 Booting from serial interfacesdocument. You will see that the booting protocol starts with the DA1458x UART TX pin transmitting 0x02.
Thanks, PM_DIalog
是的,我一直在看AN-B-001。我可以看到DA14580 UART TX引脚传输0x02,这在附加的捕获上显示。但是,我没有看到从PLT中对此的任何回应,因为我期待并且实际上执行使用Smart Scippets Toolbox,如附加在所示。
As a side note I accidentally accepted the above answer and there is no way to undo this.
我发现了,如果我leave the DUT Rx pin floating the PLT will actually respond to the DUT. However as soon as I connect the DUT Rx pin the PLT won't respond. Almost seems like the PLT can't drive the pin for some reason.
Once again it works fine with an external FTDI cable and the Smart Snippets Toolbox.
我从接口板上取下了一个电阻,DUT通过连接并工作。似乎是PLT UART的驱动力量并不高,这就是智能代码段工具箱正在运行的原因。
Hi fitz,
Glad that you figured your issue out and thanks for the indication.
Thanks, PM_DIalog