我使用SDK协议栈。我just made a DA14585 minimum system board. It can use SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.14 via SPI to download and run peripheral_examples ADC routine.I suspect it may be the 32.768K crystal oscillator (using 32.768K crystal oscillator of 12PF), and I want to try it by using internal RC crystal oscillator.
Question 1: Is it possible to cause the fault by using a capacitor with a matching capacitance other than 6PF?
Question 2: Can we directly use internal RC crystal vibration instead?Take ble_app_Peripheral as an example how to configure;
Note: Defining CFG_LP_CLK as LP_CLK_RCX20 still doesn't work
Hi yekun,
Could you please try to describe what is the issue? in my side am able to run the ble_app_peripheral example of the SDK with the internal RCX clock (#define CFG_LP_CLK LP_CLK_RCX20). In general, our recommendation would be to use our latest SDK which is SDK6.0.14. It is common for DA14585/586 and DA14531.
Thanks, PM_Dialog