Hi Dialog,
I want to know how the timers are used in 585 and also i checked the file app_easy_timer file..
i m unable to crack the flow..can you please tell me timer0 and timer2 how they are used
BLE stack which timer is using?
I want to use the timers for my controller part..how can use that?
The timer0 and timer2 are hardware timers. The app_easy_timer is implemented with kernel timers, please check Figure 11: Application Architecture ofUM-B-079 DA14585 & DA14586 Software Platform Reference (SDK 6.0.8)document. According to section 5.6 of the aforementioned document, the DA14585/586 kernel provides timer services to create and delete a timer event. Regarding the HW timers, you could read section 19 General Purpose Timers of the DA14585 datasheet. Moreover, you could find example code for both timer0 and timer0 under\projects\target_apps\peripheral_examples SDK path.
Thanks, PM_Dialog