I am working on DA 14580 chipset, using SDK 5.0.4. I would like to know if the systick timer works when device is in extended sleep mode. Also, on resetting the device for switching from advertisement to scan, does the systick timer still runs, if created before ?
Hi wisilica,
When the device goes to sleep the systick will stop operate and it will resume as soon as the device wakes up, that means that when the device goes to sleep it will retain the current value of the systick and will resume counting as soon as it wakes up, so for example if you set it up and never stop him that means that it will carry on counting down, issuing the interrupt and reload only while the device is awake. Regarding your latter question, the systick timer is irrelevant to the stack so after reseting the stack the systick interrupt should occur, without reseting it, as long as you stay awake.
Thanks MT_dialog