I installed SmartSnippets Studio, but it does not appear to be working correctly. The welcome page is completely blank. Also, I attempted to import one of the example projects in the SDK, but it did not appear to open. I went through the import dialogue windows without any difficulty and clicked "Finish," but nothing appeared in the SmartSnippets Studio window. Am I doing something wrong? (I am using DA1458x_SDK 5.0.4.)
Since you are working on SDK5.0.4, you should use Keil IDE for running the SDK examples. If you check all the examples SDK5.0.4, you will find that only Keil project is included.
If you are starting a new design or project, we recommend to start with our newest Smartbond device named DA14531. The SDK is much improved, we have a lot of code examples and improved documentation, and there is also software roadmap support. There is not any software roadmap support for DA14580 product family and SDK5.
Please, have a look into DA14531 and our latest SDK6.0.12. This SDK version includes an Eclipse project for getting started.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Thank you. We have already committed to the Alps UGMZ2AA module (and its DA14580 chipset). We have many units with that module installed and connected to an NXP i.MX 6ULL processor, which we are running with a build of Linux 4.1.15-2.0.1.
We are working on performing low-level radio tests with the module (including putting the module in transmit-only and receive-only modes). To facilitiate that testing, an Alps representative instructed us to "please kindly Download the smartsnippets studio from Dialog website and kindly use it." Will we be able to perform our tests with Keil and SDK 5.0.4? If so, how can we use Keil to help us perform our tests?
For DA14580 product and SDK5.0.4, the Keil IDE is used for starting to develop and debug the application code. SmartSnippets includes the SmartSnippets toolbox except from the SmartSnippets Studio which is the IDE. Please take a look at the toolbox user manual.
SmartSnippets toolbox, includes the RF Master tool (refer to section 20. RF Master ), which is s an implementation of Bluetooth SIG standardized receiver and transmitter HCI commands and additional custom test HCI commands. I assume that kind of tests you would like to do. You can download theSmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.10 for Windows OSseparately from the IDE. For using the RF Master in DA14580, please refer to section 27.1.1. RF Master firmware for DA14580/581/583, DA1453x and DA14585/6 family. The production test fw should be used which is located under projects\target_apps\prod_test\prod_test SDK path.
The SmartSnippets Studio is the base IDE for DA1468x/DA1469x product family device. Also, the latest SDK for out new BLE product named DA14531 contains projects both for Keil IDE and GCC.
Please let me know if you need further clarifications on that.