Hi guys,
I'm developing a custom board and I would like to have a random unique BD address in each of my BLE devices.
Right now, I'm using a Public Static Address, defined by me, but I don't want to follow this path because I would need to manually set each one of the device's addresses.
I've done some research in the forum but I've found opposite answers, such as (https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bl...–-software/da14583-uuid-mac-rssi and herehttps://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bl...–-software/random-address-generation-da14585)
Am I able to have a persistent random BD address? Or I should burn manually the BD address in each device's OTP header to have persistence?
Thanks in advance.
Each BLE device will have a unique Address to indentify the device. However, these address are not programmed into the chips. They have to be programmed by you during the production. If the OTP fields for this BD Address is programmed then the device will use that specific address otherwise it will use the default address value from the firmware. These are the only ways to set the value of the BD Address.
However, the BLE Address itself can be configured to be of differnt types: Public and Random.
The Public Address is a fixed value all the time and is generated in accoradance with the IEEE specification. Please refere to the BLE spec for the details.
On the other hand, Random Address can be of Static and Private types. The Random address value is generated by the stack in accordance with the description in the BLE specification.
The Device can also have both the Public and Random BD Address types.
Having said that, the user/customer has to program the BD Address on the automated production lines or manually.