I am trying to implement the soc function on my board using the sdk 10.0.10.
When using the pxp reporter project everything seems fine.
However when i implement the function in program, it seems to be an infinite loop in the pm_register_adapter function of the system_power_managment file.
I tried to increase dg_configPM_MAX_ADAPTERS_CNT setting as well as the freertos heap size with no result.
I defined my battery parameters in the custom_socf_battery_profile.h and the problem does not seem to come from here, as it is working on the pxp_reporter project.
Can you help me on this subject.
Hi matthieW,
On which SDK project you are based in order to start you project ? Or even for a test, what project do you use in order to apply the SOC functionallity ? Have you included the battery adapter in order to be able to use the SOC ? Can you please let me know exactly how to replicate the issue, since i am not able to do so, additionally i dont see a reason for the device to be stuck in a loop at the pm_register_adapter() function, all the function does is just to assign the callbacks for each adapter for the cpm.
Thanks MT_dialog