I am trying to setup a i2c bus on P1_6 and P1_7 for 14681-01.
There is a problem I can't seem to configure p1_6 as either SDA nor SCL. Is this pin reserved somehow?
I am using the freertos-retarget template for this. Every other pin i've tried works fine.
Hi mutahir,
What do you mean that you can't configure p1_6 as an I2C pin ? What is that you are experiencing, can you please clarify ?
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi MT_dialog,
So i want to configure p1_6 as either SDA or SCL. But when i do, I get write error to the i2C device. If I try the same program without using p1_6 It runs fine. I've checked the pin configuration through out the solution and p1_6 isnt assigned.
Hi mutahir,
As far as i can tell there is no limitation in using the P1_6 on the 681, are you able to check with an analyser what goes wrong because from the description i am not able to tell or assume any reason why your program fails, as far as i can tell i can see the data properly on the bus with the P1_6 set as SCL when writting, and reading back an EEPROM memory returns proper data.
Thanks MT_dialog