I would like to know how I can enable/disable BLE using the Dialog SDK on my DA14681.
My use-case being: the user enables/disables the airplane mode on the device.
We want to be 100% sure that there is no Bluetooth usage while airplane mode is enabled and that the BLE module does not use any extra power.
Thank you.
Hi apoudret,
Well if you dont instruct the BLE device to advertise the BLE core will simply be powered off, so if you dont instruct to stack to start advertise, or if there is a connection just disconnect and never advertise until the device exits the airplane mode. There is no BLE main switch, if that is what you are looking for. The device is designed in such a way that it will wake up and perform BLE operations only when its time to do so, therefore if you just stop all BLE operations the BLE core and the Radio will stay powered off.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thank you for this information.