Hi. Is there a way to check which DA1458x controller is connected via serial before doing the firmware upload into SRAM?
Assuming a powerful host, e.g. a Linux PC, it could detect which controller is connected and then upload the correct firmware.
Of course, this is not relevant for production, but it would be nice nevertheless.
p.s. I've managed to compile the HCI firmware for 585 and added a port to our stack:https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack/tree/develop/port/posix-h4-da14585
As I am able to understand correctly from your description, you want to boot from UART and before downloading firmware to SysRAM, you want to automatically detect which is connected from the booing sequence? Could you please clarify your question? How do you want to check which DA1458x controller is connected via serial?
Thanks, PM_Dialog