I have configured one GPIO for Sleep mode and wakeup operation .
So whenever the GPIO is pressed( rising edge ) , immediately It has to go to deep sleep mode , But for now when I call below APIs in System Init task , It takes 8-9 seconds to go to sleep mode .
Hi Manishkumar Bante,
Why you need to do that? This is not possible. Please see Figure 5 Going to sleep and waking up steps from theUM-B-092: DA1469x Software Platform Reference Manualuser manual.
However, if you want to create a bare-metal project, please check theDA1469x Bare Metal Blinky.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
I have configured one GPIO for Sleep mode and wakeup operation .
So whenever the GPIO is pressed( rising edge ) , immediately It has to go to deep sleep mode , But for now when I call below APIs in System Init task , It takes 8-9 seconds to go to sleep mode .